The Navajos or Diné mainly eat corn. The corn is prepared in different forms. They boil it, fry it, turn it into corn meal, or tortillas. They also eat wild plants such as greens from beeweed, seeds from the hedge mustard, pig weed, and mountain grass. They also eat tubers of wild onion, prickly pear, grapes, currants, chokecherries, sumac, rose, raspberries, acorns,and walnuts.
One important food is the pinyon nut which is their major source of income. They gather these seeds around June and July while men hoe gardens. Another food source that is part of their diet are small wild potatoes no bigger than a hickory nut, and yucca. The wild potatoes are served as fresh vegetables and because of their bitter taste they add clay seasoning. The yucca's are mad into cake and the next day are mixed in with water to make syrups.
Some meals they usually prepared were mutton with sumac berry soup, and goat meat with corn meal. They liked goat because the meat was tough and it "seems like you're getting more to eat if it's tough"
woman grinding sumac berries for sumac berry soup
Some food items that the Navajo tribe started to incorporate in their diet after the Europeans came were mutton, fried bread, and coffee with goat milk and sugar. They also made coffee bean porridge. They disliked pork because at first they did not know how to cook it hence making them sick. They also didn't like dairy European dairy products.
Navajo Food
2013 Navajo People - The Diné accessed April 15, 2014
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